To this goal, the Conference will be organized around a number of topics that reflect its international context ( see Thematic axes) and degrowth issues which were highlighted and left open in the 2016 Budapest conference (see Cross-cutting axis), issues that represent challenges or predicaments that should be addressed by decroissance, decrescita, decrecimiento, postwachstum, degrowth movements and others close to them. Subthemes have been established for the most part by the experience of previous degrowth conferences.
Round tables or panel sessions dedicated to address a key theme/issue for the global North and South countries or an extraordinary, emblematic or inspiring case of degrowth-descrecimiento. Speakers deal with this key theme/issue from different perspectives, linking it with a thematic axis (There is one axis for each day of the Conference).
The Conference will offer the following two formats for special sessions:
Special parallel sessions will have a maximum duration of two hours. Papers should be presented in 15 minutes in order to allow time for other papers and questions from attendees.
The platform for submitting of proposals for Special Sessions is closed. Selection of the submitted proposals will be informed thereof within 40 days after the deadline of submission.
For your information, the submission platform will include a presentation form here.
In order to ensure a high level of quality of the lectures and debates of the conference, the organizing committee, with the support of the reviewers, will make a selection of the proposals for special sessions that best display the latest discoveries of the academic research and Degrowth in Action under the thematic description of the conference. Proposals will be classified according to each of the following criteria):
Evaluation scale is 1-5:
All proposals of the special sessions will be further evaluated for overall consistency with the session theme and the presentations contained therein. All special sessions of Degrowth in action will be evaluated additionally by the balance of the research presentations and practices contained in them.
Remember that you can register for the Conference before submission of papers or proposals to secure your participation, because quotas are reduced.
If you have any questions or need help for your presentations do not hesitate to contact us
After the calls for special sessions and individual presentations, we will announce and open other calls for other activities that will take place within the Conference and the Degrowth Week (networking, practical activities, workshops, cultural and creative performances, open discussions, etc.) If you have any questions or would like to inform us about your events, do not hesitate to contact us:
February 2018
The Special Sessions are of great importance to the achievement of the Conferences' targets: discussion of the alternative options that fulfil degrowth-descrecimiento requirements* to deal with conflicts or predicaments that destroy the cultures and the commons.
The Secretarial Support offers the following supports for Special Sessions Proposals:
* The 8 Rs: Revaluation, Reconceptualization, Restructuring, Redistribution, Relocation, Reduction, Reuse and Recycling.