We call on representatives of the global North and South: of first peoples/indigenous peoples, miners, peasants, workers, employees, technicians, sanitary workers, diverse artists, poets, writers, intellectuals, musicians, singers, artisans, professors, lawyers, physicians, architects, engineers, geologists, astronomers, chemists, dentists, veterinarians, anthropologists, geographers, historians, sociologists, psychologists, economists, philologists, philosophers, communication theorists, programmers, scientists, art critics, theologians, thinkers, humanists, pacifists, indigenists, feminists, ecologists, animal liberation advocates, cooperative members, unionists, peasantist, anarchists, socialists, mutualists, communists, zapatistas, activists of diverse social causes and citizens, shamans, nuns and monks, practitioners of Zen Buddhism, Yoga, Sufism, esoterics, priests, rabbis, imams, cult ministers, secularists, pastors, bishops; social movements, networks and organizations: indigenous, ejido members, common folk, urban collectives, neighborhood, regional or state groups, representatives of civil society from: cooperatives, unions, civil associations, chambers, institutes, colleges, foundations, non-governmental organizations; to researchers and academics in general, traders/merchants, small and medium businesspeople, municipal and state authorities; legislators, judges and state magistrates; federal deputies and senators, federal officials, to participate in the 2018 North South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, Mexico City that will take place between the 3rd and 7th of September, 2018 in Mexico City, location to be announced. The conference will run from 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. each day.
The conference slogan is the "decolonization of the social imaginary"; the thematic axes are: survival, culture and wealth; and the cross-cutting/transversal axes are: degrowth in the North and South, connection between local and global action, links and connections between degrowth and related movements, convivial science and technology, individuals, groups, communities and institutions that are making change and taking action globally now.
The conference will be structured with time for plenaries, parallel sessions and art, lunch, conviviality and getting around. The plenaries will open and close the day and will be dedicated to debating the thematic axis of the day, with interventions from national and international conference speakers. The parallel sessions will take place twice during the day: before and after lunch, with interventions by presenters of the special sessions and the normal sessions whose abstracts have been approved by the reviewers and the executive commission; the art will be present at the beginning of the plenaries and in the amenities at the end of the day; the lunch will be served at 1:30 p.m.; the amenities and changes of place will take place at the end of the plenaries and after the second time dedicated to parallel sessions.
On the webpage https://degrowth.descrecimiento.org, the following will be published: the thematic and cross-cutting/transversal axes; the sub-themes; what we understand by degrowth; why in Mexico; the call to present special sessions and/or individual presentations; the principles, objectives and purpose; the organizing committee, the scientific-cultural committee, the executive commission; the endorsements of and alliances with other conferences; the conference plenary speakers; the updated outlines of the program and, next July, the final program; news about the conference; publications related to degrowth-descrecimiento; and different quotas, assisted registration and organizers.
Mexico City, March 6th, 2018